How to Develop a Training Plan to Drive Profits

A clipboard next to a binder

Training employees is considered both an investment and a cost to a company. According to, 82.5 billion U.S. dollars were spent on workplace training in 2020. The expenditures included the budget allocated by businesses for training activities, training related technology and, salaries of trainers. If training does not contribute to the profitability of the […]

Effects of Employee Training on Business Growth


Business growth can be defined as a process of achieving some measure of success such as greater sales, increased production, or increasing the bottom line by decreasing costs. Staff training is an investment in the growth of employees and leads to an increased return on investment (ROI). In the past, it has been difficult to […]

How to Build a Culture to Increase Employee Retention

People at a lounge

Business culture consists of the sum of employees’ values, principles, and attitudes. It also includes the work environment and workspaces. Conventional work environments are highly structured and organized and are characterized by rules and procedures, while more creative environments are unsystematic and emphasize freedom of expression. Some use a team-based approach, while others do not. […]

How to Build a Fair and Equitable Compensation Plan

Figurines of people placed on top of stacks of coins

Every company needs a compensation plan to attract and retain top talent. The compensation plan consists of a method for compensating employees including direct and indirect compensation for services rendered. Direct compensation includes hourly pay, salary, bonuses, and commission, while indirect compensation includes but is not limited to insurances (e.g., medical, dental, vision, life, and […]

How to Retain Employees: Strategies

A red tool box containing retention tools

Good retention strategies result in increased productivity, performance, quality of work, and the bottom line. Employees are more engaged and committed to the mission of the organization. When employees enjoy working for an organization that values them, turnover is decreased. Four critical elements of retention include creating a positive culture, recruiting and hiring highly-qualified employees, […]

Discover Your Personal Brand

A woman on top of a mountain

Every person has a unique set of skills, experiences, values, and behaviors that define your personal brand. Archetypes are a universal framework of behaviors that can be used to package and promote who you are through stories. Everyone can benefit from personal branding, especially entrepreneurs, freelancers, job seekers, and young professionals to name a few. […]

Do you have a revolving door?


Employees leave their jobs for many reasons. Some reasons include life events that are out of your control such as a spouse that was transferred or a new lifestyle when children are born. However, many reasons an employee leaves is in the employer’s control. According to research, the number one reason an employee will seek […]

Using Talent Analytics to Inform the Hiring Process


Using talent analytics, a systematic analysis of workforce data, to inform your hiring process reduces costs. Talent analytics help to make the hiring process more effective and efficient, improves the quality of the hire, and reduces turnover. The first step to improving your hiring process is to identify the current skills in the organization. An […]

Use Data to Inform Recruiting Sources

Dino Land

What are recruiting sources? Recruiting sources are divided into internal and external sources. Internal sources include but are not limited to employees’ ability to refer candidates, an internal career path for employees to advance or transfer to higher-paying positions within the organization, a database of previous applicants interested in working at an organization, and apprenticeships […]

Using Data to Develop a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Talent Brand


If you are a company that is struggling to find or retain quality employees, begin with developing a talent brand, a recruiting strategy that focuses on the employee experience. This is where the employees’ values, beliefs, and attitudes align with the company’s vision, mission, and core values. The best way to determine employees’ values, beliefs, […]