
If you are a company that is struggling to find or retain quality employees, begin with developing a talent brand, a recruiting strategy that focuses on the employee experience. This is where the employees’ values, beliefs, and attitudes align with the company’s vision, mission, and core values.

The best way to determine employees’ values, beliefs, and attitudes is to measure them with an organizational tool. provides a research-based tool that measures culture using a framework of the most commonly used archetypes, which consist of universal stories. The data results identify the organization’s dominant and latent archetypes. This information can inform the development of the company’s vision, mission, and core values.

The vision defines what the company would like to achieve in 5-10 years, is specific, and describes the unique outcomes. The vision also describes why the company exists, aligns with the core values, and is inspirational. The mission defines the company’s business and objectives, and the approach to reach them. The core values are the beliefs of an organization and guide the behavior of all employees. Language from the organizational survey results helps to shape the vision, mission, and core values. The language also ensures the culture is diverse in thinking, equitable, and inclusive for all.

The next step is to communicate the candidate’s experience using social and digital marketing strategies. These include but are not limited to the use of social media platforms, hosting virtual and face-to-face recruitment events, targeted advertising, telling employee stories using the archetype data, etc. Promoting the employee brand experience needs to extend throughout the employee lifecycle.

Lastly, provide training for employees to become brand ambassadors. Since employees are one of the most powerful brand assets, it makes sense to inspire them and engage them as employees. Research suggests that employees rank high in public trust – more so than their employers. 

To learn more about a diverse, equitable, and inclusive talent brand, contact us here or at for a free consultation.