Every hiring process aims to hire the best talent for the job, but what happens if the best people aren’t applying in the first place?

As the job market in the US becomes extraordinarily competitive, finding specialized talent can be daunting.

Spurred on by the millions of people who walked away from their jobs as part of ‘The Great Resignation’ and the millions more baby boomers who have been retiring from work, recruitment has become a massive challenge for employers.

With so many businesses competing for top talent, it’s hard to cut through the noise and attract the best people.

The world of recruitment has undoubtedly changed, but thankfully it’s not all bad news. Recruitment marketing may be the solution your organization needs to reel in some top talent.

A study by Allegis found that running a recruitment marketing campaign can save companies as much as 40% on total talent costs. That sure sounds promising. 

In this blog, we’ll explain in detail what recruitment marketing is and why it’s important. We’ll also share our top 10 tips for attracting talented employees to your company despite worker shortages.

What is recruitment marketing?

In its simplest form, recruitment marketing uses marketing techniques to promote the benefits of working for your company. 

Recruitment marketing is effective as it’s both a strategy employers can use to reach candidates and it helps job seekers discover roles they’re a good fit for. 

Traditionally, a company’s recruiting and marketing departments once worked separately from one another, but with the battle to attract and retain talent more challenging than ever, professional recruiters and internal human resources departments are implementing joint recruitment marketing strategies – with fantastic results.

Why is recruitment marketing important?

Instead of wasting valuable hours searching for prospective employees, recruitment marketing delivers qualified candidates straight to your door. 

This approach to hiring is considered a pull rather than a push strategy. It’s not just about advertising your job openings; it’s about marketing yourself as an employer and promoting your organization and work culture.

Today’s job candidates are motivated by much more than money. One study found that 90% of people are willing to earn less money to do a more meaningful job.

Prospective candidates are more enticed to join an employer with an attractive company culture and values they can get behind.

Your recruitment marketing campaigns are the perfect opportunity to promote the things that are important to today’s employees, including: 

10 tips for attracting the best talent to your organization

Attracting talent to your company can seem overwhelming in today’s current climate, but it doesn’t have to be.

Keep reading to find out our top tips for securing the talented employees you deserve

1.   Invest in recruiting marketing

As we mentioned above, recruitment marketing is an excellent way to attract talent to your business, so it’s a good idea to invest in it. Tap into the freelance population to access their expertise to consult or complete projects.

2.   Develop employer branding

Along with helping you hire new employees, developing an employer brand will allow you to create a strong company culture and lower your marketing costs.

3.   Communicate your company culture

A solid and visible company culture makes hiring new employees and retaining those currently employed much easier for a business.

Your company culture establishes trust among your employees and ensures that new recruits feel immediately supported.

4.   Spotlight your employees

An employee spotlight is published content that promotes the success of one of your employees.

They provide new prospects with additional information about the company and the people they will be working with soon.

5.   Promote your employee value proposition (EVP)

An EVP is essential because it tells a candidate what they’ll get in return for working with you. This is essential when selecting candidates who are natural for your company.

6.   Map your candidate journey experience.

This helps you get a good overview of your recruitment process and where you can improve the candidate experience. “A good journey map will help you outline your recruitment processes and help your organization understand the bigger picture,” explains Andrea Seeger-Doring, Founder of The Marketing Drill.

7.   Optimize your website’s SEO

Using SEO in your online recruitment efforts will help you to attract potential employees to your webpage, along with your job postings and vacancies.

8.   Create a system of processes that make up your talent pipeline

This includes internal hiring, a development program that continuously prepares employees for the next level, maintaining a talent pool of eligible candidates, and more.

9.   Optimize your website

Andrea Seeger-Doring suggests looking over your entire website from the perspective of a candidate.  “Does your business look like someplace you would want to work? Are your values clearly expressed?  Be sure to gear your website toward your target market and ideal hiring candidates.” Add a page that showcases your employees and provides information on career pathways, compensation, benefits, employee training, testimonials, and spotlights.

10.  Use social media sites

Social media is an excellent resource for communicating your company culture to potential recruits and attracting new employees. In fact, according to a report by Adweek, 92% of companies use social media for recruitment.

We hope this blog has helped you understand recruitment marketing and how it is a proven strategy for attracting talent, along with solutions to dealing with the challenges of dealing with workplace shortages.

Hire a marketer to create your recruitment marketing plan

If you’d like assistance creating a recruitment marketing plan, then our team at Deliver Workforce Solutions would love to help.

When you work with us, we’ll create a recruitment marketing plan to solve your workforce shortage problems.

Your marketing recruitment strategy will include employer branding, a new website with optimized pages for recruiting, and a number of social media platforms to further attract talent.