Let us help you fix your workforce challenges

Leadership Skills that Lead to Employee Retention


Leadership can be defined as the art of motivating employees to achieve business goals that lead to growth and profits. Based on research, some leadership skills lead to employee retention better than others. Building a positive culture is a key skill effective leaders excel in to impact retention. Culture encompasses the social behaviors and norms […]

How to Develop a Training Plan to Drive Profits

A clipboard next to a binder

Training employees is considered both an investment and a cost to a company. According to statista.com, 82.5 billion U.S. dollars were spent on workplace training in 2020. The expenditures included the budget allocated by businesses for training activities, training related technology and, salaries of trainers. If training does not contribute to the profitability of the […]

Effects of Employee Training on Business Growth


Business growth can be defined as a process of achieving some measure of success such as greater sales, increased production, or increasing the bottom line by decreasing costs. Staff training is an investment in the growth of employees and leads to an increased return on investment (ROI). In the past, it has been difficult to […]