The Importance of Employee Performance Reviews

Did you know regular performance reviews play a significant role in helping employees reach their full potential? Positive employee feedback celebrates achievements and encourages workers to keep up the excellent work. Constructive feedback, on the other hand, highlights areas for growth, so employees can understand where they need to improve. But performance reviews aren’t just […]

A Complete Guide to Developing an Internship Program as a Small Business

These days, finding and keeping great employees is one of the biggest challenges for business owners. Whether you do it yourself or hire staffing agencies or recruiters to help, hiring can cost your business a lot of time and money. One popular solution to recruitment issues for small businesses – internship programs. But why is […]

Attract Top Talent with Video: Best Practice for Hiring Millennials

A man taking a video of himself

By 2025, Millennials are set to make up as much as 75% of the workforce. Yet many businesses still have trouble attracting professionals from this generation to their companies. Millennials have a different outlook on the job market than previous generations, and it takes much more effort to catch their attention. To attract Millennials to your company, […]

How to Create a Seamless Pipeline of Talent Through Internship Programs

Interns becoming employees

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the April Jobs Report stated that 266,000 jobs were added with little to no change in the unemployment rate of 6.1%. Employers across the country are screaming for employees. Growing your own employees through internships is a solution to the current problem. An internship program is a short-term […]