Each state has a reopening plan that aligns with the Center for Disease Control guidelines. In addition, the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) has guidance for various industry sectors. Based on these guidelines, the following steps are recommended to plan for a successful reopening of your business. Ensure you have a flexible and compliant leave policy.

1. Ensure you have a flexible and compliant leave policy.

  • Actively encourage sick employees to stay home.
  • Send visibly sick employees on the job home immediately.
  • Allow employees to stay home to care for sick family members or childcare when school is closed.
  • Adapt the policy for your vulnerable population.
  • Maintain confidentiality of employees with confirmed COVID-19.

2. Review or establish scheduling and telework policies.

  • Establish flexible work hours (e.g., staggered shifts) if possible.
  • Actively encourage telework schedules if feasible.
  • Consider using technology solutions to support your policies and procedures.

3. Educate and train all employees on health and safety practices.

  • Update health and safety practices to include daily health monitoring, social distancing, additional personal protective equipment (PPE), respiratory etiquette, and personal hygiene.
  • Update health and safety practices to include daily health monitoring, social distancing, additional personal protective equipment (PPE), respiratory etiquette, and personal hygiene.
  • Train all employees on new and updated policies and practices

4. Adapt workplace redesign to ensure health and safety practices.

  • Redesign work stations to comply with health safety practices.
  • Redesign work processes to comply with health and safety practices and align with a flexible work schedule or telework.

5. Review and update cleaning procedures.

  • Include devices and measures to clean and disinfect all touchpoints frequently.
  • Discourage sharing tools and equipment if feasible.
  • Access and approve outsourced company policy and procedures.
  • Communicate policies and procedures to employees and customers.  

6. Communicate policies and procedures to employees and customers.  

  • Post signage to remind employees and customers of health and safety practices.
  • Review internal policies and procedures with employees.
  • Monitor ongoing public health communications regarding COVID-19 recommendations and ensure employees have access to and understand that information.  

Plan now so you are ready to open when the COVID-19 pause is lifted.